Who Else Wants To Discover..
8 Powerful Methods To Short Circuit Debt And
Activate The Flow Of Wealth?
Hi my name is Dr. Steve G. Jones and I’m about to reveal exactly how to unearth the money switch which can transform anyone from the pain of poverty to the power and freedom of financial control
- First,  “I have an important disclaimer” .
Beware of The Serpent’s Quiet Whisper...
It's venom will poison your mind with sinister lies disguising the ultimate truth.

Over the course of your lifetime you’ll be exposed to countless money making schemes, offers, and wealth systems.

Like going to the carnival and playing  3 card monte, they’ve all been designed with one thing in mind - putting you under a spell and making you broke.

The truth about money is simple..

There’s an over abundance and it flows like oxygen.  The problem is the quiet whisper has deceived the world into believing there isn’t enough, leaving most gasping for more.     

This great deception has caused the demise of families and the collapse of civilizations.  The simple truth is the supply of money is endless but  the illusion of it's scarcity is what keeps you from getting your share.

If you’ve been seduced by the serpent then you are in desperate need of an antidote to defend against its con-man shell game.

This antidote is a well concealed Universal Law called the Money Switch. 

But before I reveal how to activate the switch and dramatically change your life I’d like you to consider a few simple questions. 
  • Are you tired of working day in and day out - never having enough money to really get ahead?
  • Are you frustrated because you aren’t able to live the life you want because you’re stuck at a job just because it pays your bills?  
  • Does it make you angry when you see others working less than you, yet they seem to catch all the breaks and get ahead easily? 
  •  Have you tried different types of wealth building or money making programs but they never work as promised? 
  •  Did you spend your whole life working and now you barely have anything to show for it, worried that one day you won’t have enough money to take care of yourself or your loved ones?
If you answered yes to any of these questions take 5 minutes and read this important message. 
How One Hypnosis Session Transformed A Fragile Girl Into A Full Blown Wealth Magnet
Recently I was giving a lecture about the power of hypnotic suggestion and how it affects our relationship with money.  If you never heard of me, I have been a trained hypnotherapist specializing in hypnotic suggestion for over 20 years.  

In fact, I'm a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy and president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists. Formerly I was a member of the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association.  

Publically,  I’ve authored 22 books, appeared on numerous television shows including 6 episodes of The Millionaire Matchmaker.

It was at this lecture when a patient was referred to me suffering from extreme nightmares, anxiety and depression.

Several weeks later the patient appeared in my waiting room with a troubled look on her face.  (For the sake of anonymity let’s call her Veronica).   

I called her into my office and before I could get a question out of my mouth, she began to cry.  

She revealed to me that she was under tremendous pressure to care for her brother who was severely injured in a hit and run several years before.  

Her brother was completely dependent on her physically, emotionally and financially.  

Veronica, a nurse, told me she could care for her brother physically, but the financial strain had her totally overwhelmed and headed for financial ruin.  

I leaned back in my chair and listened as she confided in me how her brothers accident derailed her life into one day becoming a super successful nurse practitioner.  

As she opened up to me, she paused and said, “ I feel so selfish” as if her life and aspirations weren’t  important as caring for her brother.  ( A totally logical and normal feeling for someone giving up their entire life for another).

I really admired her.  

As she went on, I couldn’t help but think how many people out there are backed into a corner just like her.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I built my practice on helping others.  But for the first time in many years, I felt helpless.  

After she calmed down, I asked her if we could begin our session.  

My new patient took easily to my cues and we began her dive into a deep state of relaxation.    

I recall a sense of astonishment of how rapidly she moved through each stage of the process, from being wide awake to completely relaxed -  quickly followed by deep hypnosis.  

My feelings of empathy for her situation and my desire to help her find a solution to an extremely challenging situation led me to probe into the dark recesses of her mind.  

I proceeded to ask her questions about her beliefs regarding her personal power.  

To my amazement, under deep hypnosis, she claimed that her Personal Power had been taken from her.  

She was convinced that her brothers accident was the switch that short-circuited her Personal Power leaving her helpless to accomplish anything but caring for him.

At that moment, I knew she somehow programmed her mind to believe  by taking care of her brother she’d be unable to live up to her own aspirations, which was a complete lie fabricated by the serpent’s whisper.    

Her hopes and dreams of money and success had been deactivated by what I call the great deceiver, the poisoned mind.  

After our session ended I assured her that if she met me in my office once per week for eight weeks, she’d awaken from the nightmare and make her dreams come true.  

After she left, I immediately began to research the correlations between thought, success and money.  I read everything I could from the most successful entrepreneurs, and I even enlisted help from some of the most prominent people I know.  

At once I created an action plan which I knew if properly implemented would flip the switch, remove the poison and begin her journey to complete healing, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

My desire to help lift her out of her own personal quicksand led me to single mindedly find the exact road map which would reverse her thinking and ultimately change her misfortunes guaranteeing the possibility of accomplishing anything.  

Hours turned to days and days turned into weeks as I feverishly devised a spiritual hypnotic action plan guaranteed to activate her money switch and beam the light of hope back into her life.  

All she had to do was believe one very strange concept.  

Money Doesn’t Talk It Listens -
Call And It Will Come.
Veronica had been conned by the serpent’s quiet whisper which deceived her into believing that she was powerless when in fact, she was extremely powerful.  

Veronica’s story is one of many,  billions of people are under the influence that there is a money shortage, when in fact the only shortage is in the area of belief.   

In order to cure Veronica’s condition I devised an 8 step action plan that included exposing her to the truth of her deception.  

Once she agreed to sip the formula I had prepared a metamorphosis began to take place.  

This revolutionary change first began inwardly at first, but with her application of the 8 outward activation steps her entire demeanor changed at once.  

The 8 activation steps we applied flipped her money switch and set in motion a powerful force of unstoppable momentum that even she couldn’t believe.  

Veronica’s success with her money switch sent me wildly testing it on my patients, family, and anyone that suffered from the Serpent’s quiet whisper.  

And in every case, the momentum created from the application of the 8 activation steps, was enough to expel the the serpent’s whisper and flip the money switch which short circuited debt and activated the flow of wealth.   

Knowing how powerful and life changing this is, I decided to put these steps into a program and  share it with as many people as possible, hoping they would in turn share it with others.

8 Simple Ways To Activate The Flow of Currency
by Dr. Steve G. Jones
Here’s a peek inside the Money Switch and how it will transform your life.
Digital Download
Module One - The Big Question
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Develop a new and powerful relationship with money learning how to tap into the flow that’s always been readily available but you just couldn’t find.
  • Quickly begin to acquire the prosperity mindset by creating financial momentum without upsetting your lifestyle.  
  • short-circuit any negative associations preventing you from acquiring money by applying this simple twist to your money perspectives.
Digital Download
Module Two - Financial Intelligence
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Catapult your financial IQ by practicing simple principles which will instantly boost your financial intelligence and give you a prosperity mindset.
  • Easily Identify and eliminate the ‘drain factors’ these critters devour your earnings, and are often invisible to the naked eye.
  • Unlock the automated mind of a millionaire by accessing parts of your mind that you didn’t know were closed off to wealth.
Digital Download
Module Three - The Family Connection
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Identify who in your family has the bandwidth to control the finances in your family. If it’s in the wrong hands, you’ll never get ahead.
  • Delegate who makes the financial decisions and who doesn’t with poise and clarity. Control every financial decision like a professional money manager even if you never controlled the money before.
  • Break the cycle of failed trust - Learn why some people are only capable of so much and discover how to leverage the talents of others in order to shift the flow of money your way.  
Digital Download
Module Four - Moving Past Debt
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Discover the four sneaky debt traps how they work and ways to avoid their snare so you don’t get caught in their grips. This alone is worth the cost of admission
  • Learn simple budgeting plans that are easy to follow and painless to adhere to without feeling like you’re missing out.
  • Uncover patterns in your habits which cause you to fall into debt - root them out and learn to live a debt free lifestyle.
Digital Download
Module Five - Handling Debt Like A Pro
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Become a credit card and debt wizard - Master the credit scams and uncover their treachery then turn the tables and use it to your advantage.
  • Go from Bankruptcy level debt to free and clean by learning the simple way to bulldoze yourself out of debt.
  • Learn to identify and never fall prey for get-rich-quick scams because you’ll understand the nature of how to make money grow without getting caught with your pants down.
Digital Download
Module Six - Discovering Your Passion
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Master the Art of creating wealth by unleashing the bottleneck of the poverty mindset and break free of any financial hardship by learning to discover your passions and leverage them into money.
  • Never have to work for money again by applying the passion principle to your life and get paid for what you love to do. 
  • Find your life’s purpose rapidly using a simple method not taught in any classroom.  
Digital Download
Module Seven - Starting Your Business
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Easily identify worthwhile investments like a financial wizard understanding how to track returns that will pay off in the long run.
  • Learn how to pinpoint business that markets are screaming for. Position them correctly and kill it right out of the gate. 
  • Develop the business instincts of a professional entrepreneur by applying some simple rules which will give you investor like acumen.  
Digital Download
Module Eight - The Final Lap
Here's What You Will Learn:
  • Discover the secrets to leverage money you don’t have by building impeccable credit even if you’ve claimed bankruptcy in the past.
  • Become a poised and seasoned investor and never come up on the losing end of any deal.
  • Pin the badge of success on your chest through consistency and clarity of purpose which will be driven in like a spike when you finish this program.
Let me be honest.

The Money Switch could be worth millions to you.

After all, these are the same strategies I used to help Veronica become financially free.

But since I understand you're not financially free right now...

I want to make this as affordable as possible.

Which is why when you order today you'll get an instant $30 discount from the list price.

That means you can get immediate access to these wealth building strategies for just 19.
List Price $49 Today's Price $19
You Risk Nothing!
I want to remove any risk on your part and PROVE to you just how powerful this program is.

That's why I'll let you test drive it for 60 days before you decided if you want it.
As someone who appreciates a good deal I also want to include the PDF transcript at no extra cost for you.

This is valued at $17 but you get it at no cost.
*Free Special Fast Action Bonus ($17 value)*
The Money Switch
Full Transcription
FREE: Get the entire transcription of The Money Switch so you can read at your own leisure.
OK it's decision time.

You basically have two options:

1.) Do nothing. Continue to struggle with and worry about money. Remember the old saying "If nothing changes...nothing changes."

2.) Take action. Make a change. Take the leap and rewrite your financial future where you no longer worry about money and bills.

I think you can see which option is the better choice.

Click the button below and get started today!

Talk soon,

Dr. Steve G. Jones

PS - Don't forget you're completely covered by my 60 day "Love It or Leave It" Guarantee so if you're not happy for any reason at all, I'll give you a full refund...no questions asked.

PPS - This special pricing is for a limited time only. Soon I'm going to raise it up to $49. There's no reason to pay more!

Click the button below and get started today!
List Price $49 Today's Price $19
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